Currently energy security and climate change issues have become two of the most significant barriers to hurdle the sustainable development globally. Such problems are particularly severe in China due to its rapid economy development. Low carbon fuels, especially sustainable biofuels, are identified as a key part to cut GHG emissions, reduce petroleum dependency and achieve air quality benefits, not only in transportation sector.
iCET has been working on sustainable biofuel standard development. iCET’s work in this field mainly includes:
(1) Supporting China’s first sustainable biofuel standards – The principles and requirements of LCA for transportation fuel GHGs emissions;
(2) Proposing Policy suggestions on China’s Low Carbon Vehicle Fuel Development jointly with Development Research Center of the State Council (DRC);
(3) Introducing California’s Assembly Bill 32 (AB32) law to China with the translation of the 125+ page Scoping Plan and creating several in-depth training manuals in Chinese on specific AB32 GHG reduction measures.
(4) Serving as NEA National Energy Technical Committee Expert for TC 22 and TC 24;
(5) Tracking and updating the implementation of Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) and Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) globally.
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Tel: (+1) 213.266.8582
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Beijing, 10020
Tel: (+86) 10.5233.8325
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